Hey there, fellow chocolate lovers! As passionate chocolate makers and cacao hunters based in beautiful Aotearoa, we have a mission close to our hearts - supporting Pacific cacao farmers. Our goal is to raise the profile of Pacific single origin cacao and give it the recognition it deserves. Why import cacao beans from elsewhere when we can invest our money right here in the Pacific?

By supporting farmers in the Pacific, we not only help them thrive, but we also contribute to the growth and improvement of the cacao industry as a whole. It's a win-win situation!

With this mindset, we ventured to the remote island of Malekula in the Vanuatu Archipelago, a tropical paradise perfect for growing cacao. Nestled in the small village of Pinalum on the island's North East coast, our plantation boasts cacao trees that are 30-35 years old.

These trees flourish under mango and banana trees, creating a truly picturesque tropical setting. The cacao fruit evolves from green to yellow as it ripens, boasting delightful berry, dried fig, and banana flavours. Our dedicated farmers hand-pick each cacao pod with utmost care, ensuring only the best make it into their buckets before heading to the fermentation station.

Ah, fermentation - the secret to crafting top-notch chocolate!

The beans spend a glorious 8-10 days fermenting in wooden boxes, laying the foundation for exceptional flavour development. Once fermented, the beans undergo a natural drying process in our special dryer, carefully utilising the wind and sun to create the most ideal drying conditions. Once perfectly dry and bagged, they're ready to make their way to us.

That's the story of how our chocolate maker discovered the hidden treasures of Malekula, bringing the flavors of the Pacific straight to your taste buds.

Support our mission, support our local farmers, and indulge in the unique taste of Pacific chocolate.

Country: Vanuatu Pacific Island

Harvest: Harvest by hand

Island/Region: Malekula Island

Sorting: By size and waste out (wood, rock..)

Village: Pinalum

Fermentation: Pyramids wooden box 8 days

Cacao variety: Trinitario & Amenolado

Drying: Hand built dryer with natural system of ventilation by the wind. Between 7-12 days

Colours: Green to yellow when ripe

Tree Ages: Average of 30-35 years old

Flavour Profile: Red berries, fig, banana

Transport: Container boat to New Zealand